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A Historic Inauguration

Joe Biden: The 46th President of the United States

A Historic Inauguration

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States, making history as the oldest president in US history and the first to serve with a woman vice president, Kamala Harris.

A Legacy in Politics

Before becoming president, Biden had a distinguished career in politics. He served as a senator from Delaware for 36 years, where he played a leading role in shaping legislation on crime, foreign policy, and other key issues. In 2008, he was elected Vice President of the United States under President Barack Obama.

Responding to the Crisis

Biden's presidency has been marked by significant challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it has caused. In response, he has taken decisive action, signing the American Rescue Plan Act, which provided much-needed relief to families and businesses.

As president, Biden has also worked to address climate change, racial inequality, and other pressing issues. His presidency is a testament to his lifelong commitment to public service and his determination to make a positive difference in the lives of all Americans.
