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Jerusalem Coins And Trumps Image

Trumps Role in the Jerusalem Recognition Controversy

Jerusalem Coins and Trumps Image

Fifteen months after President Trump's historic declaration recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, silver coins have been minted in honor of the bold move. These coins celebrate President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as modern-day embodiments of the Sons of Light positioned against their adversaries.

Trump and Cyrus: A Comparison

Coins bearing the images of US President Donald Trump and King Cyrus have been created to honor Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. King Cyrus, a Persian king who ruled in the 6th century BC, is credited with allowing the Jewish people to return to their homeland and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. Trump's supporters see a parallel between his actions and those of King Cyrus.

Netanyahu and Trumps Agenda

Prime Minister Netanyahu and his ideological allies on the right could see a second Trump presidency as an opportunity to fulfill their agenda. They believe that Trump's support for Israel will allow them to annex parts of the West Bank and further restrict the rights of Palestinians.
